Student Parking Permit

GLCA Parking -- Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Read and complete the online Student Parking Permit application. By completing this form, both student and parent(s) are electronically permitting your student to drive to school.

2024-25 Student Parking Application will open at 9:00am on August 1, 2024.   (click HERE for the form)

Priority will be given in the following order: 

  1. Required for offsite experiences – this is determined by administration 
  2. Seniors 
  3. Juniors 

Parking permits will be awarded based on date/time of submission. 

*The cost of parking permits are $20, cash or check only. Credit cards will not be accepted. 

*Bring your driver’s license and payment with you!

*Parking passes will not be issued until payment is received. 

*Additional parking details will be sent with your confirmation email.

Pick up date and times for confirmed permits 

August 6, 2024

8:00 - 9:00 am Last name A-D        
9:00 - 10:00 am Last name E-K    
10:00 - 11:00 am Last name L-Q
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Last name R-Z

Email Mrs. Pelfree if you need to make other pick up arrangements. (

If you are not issued a parking permit, bus schedules are available in the student services office at your home high school or in the GLCA office. 

Friendly Reminders:

  • Students cannot park in our school lot without a GLCA parking permit (will result in school consequences) and students cannot park on the neighborhood streets (will result in police consequences)
  • Parking in another student’s assigned spot will result in school consequences
  • Display your parking permit in your vehicle at ALL times
  • Parking Permits are NOT transferable