Work Based Learning Capstone

Course Overview

WORK BASED LEARNING CAPSTONE 5974 (WBL) Work Based Learning Capstone is a stand-alone course that prepares students for college and career. This strategy builds students’ skills and knowledge in their chosen career path. Work Based Learning Capstone experiences occur in workplaces and involve an employer assigning a student meaningful job tasks to develop his or her skills, knowledge, and readiness for work. A clear partnership agreement and training plan is developed by the student, teacher, and workplace mentor/supervisor to guide the student’s work based experiences and assist in evaluating achievement and performance. In stand-alone WBL Capstone courses, students have the opportunity to apply the concepts, skills, and dispositions learned in their pathways in real world business and industry settings. Work-based experiences need to be in an industry setting closely related to a student’s CTE pathway. Instructors have a clear partnership agreement and training plan for each student participating in Work Based experiences. 

DOE Course


Recommended Grade Level


Recommended Prerequisite

Complete at least one advanced career and technical education course from a program. Student's worksite placement should  align to the student pathway.

High School Credits

  • 2 semester course
  • 2 semesters required
  • 3 credits per semester
  • 6 credits maximum 

Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for all diplomas