Culinary Arts & Hospitality

Course Overview

Culinary Arts and Hospitality I prepares students for occupations and higher education programs of study related to the entire spectrum of careers in the hospitality industry.   This course builds a foundation that prepares students to enter the Advanced Culinary Arts or Advanced Hospitality courses.  Major topics include: introduction to the hospitality industry; food safety and personal hygiene; sanitation and safety; regulations, procedures, and emergencies; basic culinary skills; culinary math; and food preparation techniques and applications; principles of purchasing, storage, preparation, and service of food and food products; ; apply basic principles of sanitation and safety in order to maintain safe and healthy food service and hospitality environments; use and maintain related tools and equipment; and apply management principles in food service or hospitality operations. Intensive laboratory experiences with commercial applications are a required component of this course of study. 

Culinary Arts and Hospitality I  allows students to explore more complex recipes, independent projects, and lead the kitchen.  Students will display their skills by preparing and serving food for catering events and when operating the Greater Lafayette Career Academy restaurant “Mise En Place”.  Students completing this program may choose to continue their culinary education by taking Advanced Culinary Arts, if they are current junior, enroll in a 2 and/or 4 year postsecondary degree program if they are a current senior, or gain employment in a variety of food service operations.

Mise En Place

Ivy Tech Dual College Credits Available

Course College Credits Prerequisite(s) Other

HOSP 101 Sanitation and Safety                  (May be earned at home high school)

2 GPA or Knowledge Assessment Qualifies for Technical Honors Diploma Priority Dual Credit
HOSP 102 Basic Food Theory Skills             (May be earned at home high school) 3 HOSP 101 Qualifies for Technical Honors Diploma Priority Dual Credit
HOSP 104 Nutrition  3 HOSP 101 Qualifies for Technical Honors Diploma Priority Dual Credit
HOSP 105 Introduction to Baking 3 HOSP 101

Qualifies for Technical Honors Diploma Priority Dual Credit

HOSP 114 Introduction to Hospitality 3   Qualifies for Technical Honors Diploma Priority Dual Credit


Industry Certifications

  • Students will have the opportunity to earn a Prostart I Certification through the National Restaurant Association and the Servsafe Certification.
ServSafe Certified
ProStart National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation
Concentrator Star

DOE Course


Recommended Grade Level

11, 12 

Required Course Prerequisite

Principles of Culinary and Hospitality 

High School Credits

  • 2 semester course
  • 2 semesters required
  • 3 credits per semester
  • 6 credits maximum
    • 7173 Principles of Culinary and Hospitality 
    • 7171 Nutrition
    • 7169 Culinary Arts
    • 7172 Hospitality Management (if 7173 Principles of Culinary and Hospitality was previously taken)

Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for all diplomas.