TSC employee receives scholarship to pursue teaching
Sue Scott

American College of Education, in partnership with the Indiana Association of Public Education Foundation (INAPEF), has awarded a full tuition scholarship to a TSC employee. The organization selected Erin Budreau, a media aide at Mayflower Mill Elementary School, to receive funds to support her journey to become a teacher.

For the last several years Budreau has served in various roles for the TSC, including as a paraprofessional and media aide. The scholarship will help her take the next step in obtaining a bachelor’s degree and become a teacher.

“I'd love the opportunity to have my own classroom, to be able to teach preschool or kindergarten students. That age is the beginning foundation to a child's school career, teaching them the importance of following directions and classroom expectations,” Budreau says. “Being a teacher is a very responsible role, but also rewarding. It’s the perfect job that offers a lot of variety and a way to serve the community.”

INAPEF Association Administrator Krista Baber says Budreau was one of four individuals selected for the scholarship. "The scholarship selection committee chose Erin because of her compelling essay detailing her desire to teach,” Baber says. “She has a wide range of experience working and volunteering in the schools, including work as a paraprofessional in the special needs classrooms, a media aide in the library, and as a volunteer on the PTO and lacrosse boards. Erin is very deserving of this opportunity and we are excited to follow her path toward becoming a teacher."

Pictured below (left to right): Christine Isbell, Public Schools Foundation of Tippecanoe County Executive Director; Erin Budreau, scholarship recipient; Shannon Cauble, Mayflower Mill Elementary School Principal.

Christine Isbell, Erin Budreau, Shannon Cauble