Sharing lessons from Uganda
Sue Scott

McCutcheon High School science teacher Abi Bymaster proudly wears a pin on the lapel of her jacket — a symbol of the United Nations and her dedication for fighting food insecurity throughout the world.

“The United Nations strives to create sustainable development goals to alleviate world hunger. How can we accomplish this?” Bymaster poses to her biology students.

Bymaster is sharing experiences from her recent trip to Uganda which reignited her passion for education and fighting food insecurity. Bymaster spent a month in the east African country as part of a Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program. The team of educators assisted with sustainable agricultural practices, including building infrastructure for tilapia and poultry farms.

The American educators worked alongside smallholder farmers to build a brood house, implement biosecurity measures and conduct water quality tests. They helped with the harvest of coffee beans and witnessed the process of roasting coffee beans. 

In addition, Bymaster worked with fellow Ugandan teachers on different hands-on approaches in the classroom. “I admire how the teachers celebrate even the small things in the classroom,” says Bymaster. “The school is the epicenter of the village.”

Bymaster walked away from the experience with a renewed commitment to education and global citizenship as well as new lifelong, international friendships. “And from my experience, I hope my classes have more focus, meaning and authenticity,” Bymaster says.

As the biology class wraps up, Bymaster drives home the point: “Education is the key to developing sustainable agriculture to alleviate world hunger. We all need to do our part.”


Bymaster learning in Uganda
Bymaster with children
Bymaster in Uganda